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Scattered Coins


Crypto Risk Data


We have compiled data on over 900 exchanges covering ownership, key employees, investors and agents where available. This data is used for reference in a banking scenario for financial institutions to identify source of funds and risk relationships.

As we all know there are scammers out there using crypto to perpetrate criminal activity.

We have also identified leading scams and risk within the crypto space and have cataloged that in this file.

This file is work in progress and the data set is growing every week as we discover new information that is of interest to our customers.


In the road map for this data set we also have project to catalog all tokens and the associated projects that they are related to. 

The file is delivered in CSV XML or can be used via a JSON space or XML API. This data set is available for immediate delivery and priced affordably so that financial institutions or systems integrators can easily add the data into their processes.

Contact us for more information or use our appointment calendar to set up a demo.

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